Should you like to inquire regarding an appointment, please contact me on either of the following: (c) 072 305 3370               OR         (email) This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Please note that I will often not be reachable by telephone due to being in session. Should you be unable to reach me, please send me a detailed email and I will respond as soon as I have an available moment. LOCATION: OFFICE ADDRESS: 27 Albert Road, Irene IMPORTANT: Upon arrival, please park outside the premises wherever you find parking and either give me a missed call or a message/whatsapp informing me that you are outside and I will then come and escort you to the office at your scheduled appointment time. Should you arrive early for your session and I do not immediately respond, please have patience as I am likely still in session but will be available at the scheduled time.  |